Seeking Alpha offers special discounts and promo codes at different times throughout the year. Here are the latest special offers for Seeking Alpha Premium subscriptions through September 2024. I have been a premium member for a couple years, and these are the best deals available if you are looking to join the platform.
$25 Off Coupon for 40 Finance
Save $25 off one full year of SA Premium with this special coupon link. This includes a 7-day free trial on the front end before your credit card is charged. The discount is valid through September 2024.
Alpha Picks Sale – $50 Off
The Alpha Picks Service from Seeking Alpha is for buy-and-hold investors who like to follow the guidance of an expert investor. As the name implies, the service searches for the best opportunities across a variety of sectors to buy low and sell high. It does not require frequent trading, and the buy and sell recommendations are clearly posted. Click here to save $50 on your first year.
Seeking Alpha Free Trial
Every Seeking Alpha subscription comes with a free trial on the front end of the purchase. In most cases, they give you a 7-day free trial BEFORE they charge your credit card. This takes some of the pressure off of buyers because you get full access to premium features before you are billed.
If you decide the platform is not for you, simply cancel with customer service before your free trial ends. You'll know within a week if their stock market research and analysis are a good fit for your investing style.
Seeking Alpha Subscription Price
The standard subscription price for the premium subscription is $239 per year. There is also a Pro subscription for $499 per year. If you watched my review videos, I am using the Premium service, which includes access to all articles, quant scores, and stock analysis metrics. These are the most important features for me as a fundamental investor. The Pro subscription does offer another level of content and more stock ideas, but they are designed more for regular traders as opposed to long-term investors, in my opinion.
About SA Coupon and Discount Codes
Note that Seeking Alpha does not use coupon codes like some online retailers do. All of their promotions are applied at checkout through special Seeking Alpha discount links like the ones I post here. You will know right away if the link worked because the price will be clearly displayed on the one-page checkout form.
Feel free to reach out if you have any issues or questions about signing up. Right now, this is the only stock market platform I use and promote. The combination of written analysis, news, and reliable financial data has saved me countless hours on stock research.
Click here to save $25 on SA Premium, along with a 7-day free trial on the front end. This deal expires 9/30/24.
Thanks for visiting.
geoff [at]